Phew! This is looking a lot more modern at least.

But, where are we...

Although I guess a more appropriate question would be, WHERE a- fuck.

Wow, the infrastructure here is terrible. MUST be... the 1960s, of course!!!

Well that's pretty exciting, you know, scale the twin towers with JFK, "Rock with Sedaka", I...

Uh, I...


Have you seen my minilogue...?

Shit. I could've dropped it back in 1850.

Anybody could've seen it. The entire human audiovisual culture could be completely corrupted.

Oh, there's Mr Sedaka now! Hey Mr Sedaka! Calendar girl was pretty good!

He's got the, uh, Korg minilogue. Just over there.

That's a little strange...

Huh? Mr Sedaka, what are you doing?

He threw us a flexidisc. Such out of date Mr Sedaka, much cringe...

We can go another hundred years into the future now, if you want.