did you do it. i hopes u did.

this month the bloog gimmiiiick is..... that the entire webpage content disappears after one measure of planck time. you probably already figured that out. i did it in jquery but i had to put it as 5.39121e-47 milliseconds which sucked ass and dick, complete balls and anus licking. by this point you're probably reading this in notepad or something. or sticky notes for mac computers! fuck yeah! you people.... are my people.

this was gonna be the second blog originally (second = 2nd, second = time....) so i could make a stupid pun because second means both second as in the second item in a list and a short amount of time. something tells me you knew that before i told it to you. that idea fell through because i love shitty gif snow.

the big thing that i did this month is i stopped making video games. i don't expect to keep this pledge for a long time (probs under a year) but its been going pretty bene for me so far. ive been getting a little itchy for projects and there's definitely still a "game making brain" to keep happy.... jesus christ. youre only getting prototypes for now!!! come back in a year!!!

i did myself a little swan song for releasing games on newgrounds with dk4fr.
i played the 1d pac man from that week's tom scott newsletter and was... INSPIRED. i read a little about the guy and wanted to try making my own game in a few hours. (in this case, three with a gap for sleeping chopped out.) i sent it to one of my friends and we played it at school. he said it was really good and i should put some extra stuff in it so i did. thats about the story. making it was fun but i'm kinda happy i won't have to do it again.

what was kinda interesting about it is THREE PEOPLE (!!!) said it was fun and thinky-runny (which is weird because i kinda thought the levels were self explanatory.... i am the one who made them though and i do remember some of them being based on trial and error) but overall it's my worst rated newgrounds game, at like 2.6 out of five- all my other games have hovered around 3. whatever. i can't expect everyone to like it. splitting the room is ok as long as some people are happy because this is after all just a video game on the internet.

one final thing i wanna say about dk4fr is that in the last hour of development i made the knee jerk change to make you move twice as slow on the ground which was really clever. if you wanna beat it fast, the skill ceilings higher because you can keep jumping but you can't turn in midair. if you don't want to then walking just kind of paces down the levels and lets you plan out your next move.

i also got pretty far with an update for a game i made last year called meowtal gear solid. it was gonna add vr missions and stuff and it wouldve been super cool but i kinda grew to resent the main content of the game which kinda sucked. maybe ill release it as is but having 9 vr missions is a little transparent and implicit that i wanted at least one more. i'll come back to it! ask me something else!

"did you do anything else this month?"

not really... i started practicing the sax again (yeah!!) and i'm not very good still but i can squeeeeeze out a pink panther or something. ive been trying to learn the tune from bird and beans on dsiware but i cant get the tune right. or the quartz quadrant jp past solo..... whatever.

being very musical has kinda made me think about one song a month as opposed to one game a month which was a goal i set myself last year that kinda destroyed me. songs can be short. tiny little jingles. toot toot. learn a little music theory.

oh i caught covid! thats why this blog came out really close to the end of january. the new varient just kinda fucking knocks you out... i was sleeping so much that my sense of time was completely fucked and for ages not being asleep for long periods of time made me giga dizzy.

so walking was gone, playing video games, even watching tv for the most part. i just slept and ate for like a week before my miraculously slow and underwhelming recovery as other things kept happening to me like a runny nose or back pain. when i finally got back to video games the first one i played was sonic mania. it was like being hugged by an old friend who's also santa claus. also he loves you.

except sonic mania is a little hit or miss... like of the like 16 zones i had consistent, dense fun with about 3 of them. and it's like.... thats a little stupid. hydrocity is also the best zone from the originals but not really worth bringing back especially when you're gonna put it before MIRAGE SALOON?? one of these days i'm gonna make a sonic fangame with my brother and we're gonna prove you guys FOOLS for liking sonic mania.

there i go blathering again. i better sign off. just check for typos.... yeah not a single one.

keep it fresh.

- the glasses !!! :OOO

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