in the beginning. there was nada.

then, as god created jquery, a new matter emerged.

hey im a moving text check me out

a moving text...

smelly and stupid, she named herself.... the cardboard glasses website... and a new website wa born.


what you just read was the real life bible. this website's creation was foretold in the real life bible by jesus or something.

i have no idea how often im gonna update this blog but its looking like once a month? two months? i spent a lot of time on the blogroll menu so i hope i at least do more than one. it'd also be nice to have a kind of silly gimmick to each one as well; this'll make it more difficult for my biggest fans (friends + family) to read it without hating me. itll just be a fun way to brush up on html and maybe some other stuff like javascript, just, like, for example, the javascript that i use to power this website. all those particle effects. scrolling backgrounds.

alright so i'm writing this at the end of november. what happened this month in wales?
well the christmas lights were turned on in my town of residence and they got some celebrity to do it but i forgot his name.

it being november also means a youtube series by my brother is wrapping up. this counts as a nationwide event. he has a subscriber.

there isn't so much to say on stuff i did. i had exams at school and i didnt work on a game or any project. i have kinda devised an interesting way for me to be kinda creative in very little time and im not leaking ANY DEETS but maybe wait until tuesday is all im saying.

i've also borrowed my brother's playdate (linkmin 4 6.21.23) and i've been noodling around the idea of making a crank-operated platformer? there's nothing really to show at the moment. the playdate is just kind of annoying to develop for and i can't exactly pinpoint why. things just always go smoother in love2d!

and i'm thinking i might call it here? oh and i don't know if you've heard this already but please please don't view this website on a phone or extremely fuck around with the window size. you'll break it and i'll cry.

(when i say TUESDAY i mean the 28th november btw. for those of you reading in. . fuckin 20. 2037 or something)
(actually i mean never. it was gonna be the sonic 4 start sound but pitch shifted to sound like the nutshack and i'd do one every week and call it sonic 4 ui sound tuesdays. some dreams only begin to end.)

go abacks